Snowflake bakery and tea box with a blue cup and teapot all in one set, some bagged and loose tea. Tea infusers, spoon rest and tea measuring spoon. A decorative sled.

Tips for tea gifts-any size or any budget 

I’ve tried to deny it but a trip to Target shook me to my core. There is no way around it-the shops are ready-it’s true….the holidays are coming!! This year it feels as if the holiday season is sneaking up fast. With that in mind I have been approached for gift ideas for tea lovers.

What on earth do you get a tea lover for the holidays? Here are some thoughts and suggestions I have given to close friends that I decided to blog about before the holiday season panic ensues. 

The who

So who is on your list? An acquaintance, your Grandmother, a teen, your boss? Are you invited to a party and need a hostess gift?  Well let’s begin:


You can buy a brand of tea for them-but what? Do you get bagged or loose leaf? Do they have a kind they prefer? Yes-it’s easy to be stumped. If you know their preference on types of tea they like then go with that but if not one choice I highly recommend is a sampler set.

Sampler sets

Sampler sets all vary in size and price. With a sampler set there is such a variety of tea that it keeps you out of the guessing game and they are sure to find a new tea to love.

Small quantities

Another alternative is buying a few smaller sized bags of tea verses 1 big one.  That way if they do not like the tea you have not shelled out $$$$$$.

Teens love and others adore

My teen and her friends loved Tea Drops Tea Sampler Set-It contains instant teas that have a variety of shapes like hearts, flowers etc that effervesce when they are put in hot water and the sweetened taste with a variety of flavors. The box is a huge hit just to store things.

Tea Drops tea sampler box on a green flowered tablecloth

A few samplers I have tried and loved are 

David’s tea. Harney Tea has a nice selection. There are many more sampler sets out there

DAVID's TEA blue Sampler Box

Tea Knick Knacks

Tea infusers are an easy gift idea. These can be given alone, with a tin of loose leaf tea or sampler set. There are so many infusers to choose from. They range from the classical tea infuser to the fun and comical kind. They can appeal to all ages, personalities and budget.

Want to add something else?

If you want to pad your gift and make it slightly larger don’t forget a tea  measuring spoon or spoon rest. There is something for everyone as there are a large variety. 

Tea cosy. 

Do they own a teapot? Maybe a new tea cosy could be on the list.

They range so much in style and are a perfect way to keep a pot warm for yummy cups of tea

2 types of tea cozy

Cup and saucer or Mugs

Now we are getting to tea hardware. There are so many beautiful cup and saucer sets that could be a special gift combined with some individual bags of tea or any of the other items listed or alone. Maybe they’d prefer an oversized mug. 

White tea cup and saucer with an individual tea sashet in clear wrapping and a red snowflake ribbon

Tea pots

There is a teapot for everyone. The teapot for 1 tea set with the teapot and cup combined. An individual pot to family sized. Standard white teapots, splash of color, porcelain, clay , cast iron, glass. A teapot with cups included. Teapots with or without infusers, the list keeps going. 

various styles and sizes of teapots

Combine the teapot and cups and saucers together or get a set prepackaged. Add tea etc as above.

Things I have tried

Here are some other items that I picked up for myself this year that I love that may be something to think about for a tea lover 

Tea gifts truly warm any tea lovers heart no matter what you choose to give. 

I hope some of these ideas are helpful.  Let me know if you decided to try any. Have a tea-riffic time shopping. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Purchasing items through these links is of no extra cost to you. If you are unable to see the links provided, please disable your ad-blocker.


5 thoughts on “Tips for tea gifts-any size or any budget ”

  1. Elise Frierson

    Thank you, Denise! So many tips and information to help with holiday gift giving, and I think it is wonderful that you wrote this in plenty of time to make the holidays extra special!

  2. Ed McCormick

    Absolutely love these ideas. What great timing as we move into the holidays. I just purchased the mr man tea diffuser. Such fun

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