Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate Green Tea-a tea lovers get well guide

I never claim to be a tea expert. I am a solid black tea drinker and usually drink it twice a day. I have been introduced to other types of tea over time. I love some of the suggestions I am given but there are others…..well…. let’s say I never purchase those teas.  One tea that I love and highly recommend is Pomegranate Green Tea. It is amazing!!! This is how I found it and why I love it so much.

This easy to make tea was introduced to me by a friend and co-worker when I felt lousy. I had all the symptoms, sore throat, sneezes, aches and cough. I was exhausted and planning on going home. She gave me a tea bag and a mug waved me off promising this tea would work wonders. I skeptically took the tea, placed the cup and tea on the Keurig at work and made a cup. Who needs tons of steps to make tea when feeling bad? Just a little while later after drinking it I felt so much better and made it through the rest of the day.

Keurig filling a cup with a tea bag in it

Pomegranate-Green Tea is the first thing I grab whenever my husband or children are feeling under the weather and I swear by this tea to all of my friends and colleagues. It is  a perfect combo and one tea I always have in my pantry and on my desk at work.

It has the most amazing red color and smells great. I will drink it whether I’m sick or not but I will definitely drink it if I start to feel a little run down. It’s a treat in colder weather. The best part is it is not a tea that will break the bank.

This is how I usually make mine.  It may be different from the packet so you may want to look at the company’s suggestion too.

As with all tea I boil  fresh water and utilize any excess water that has already been brewed for plants etc.

I pour the boiling water over the tea bag in a mug and let it steep for 2-3 minutes.  3 makes it a little stronger in flavor which is how I like it.

I wait about 4 minutes before I drink it as it is really hot and I think it’s better warm

Finally when it’s cooled down I take time to drink and enjoy it.

Most articles will tell you the health benefits of Green Tea and the health benefits of pomegranate.  Put them both together that is a powerful punch.

I looked over the other ingredients of the one of the main brands of Pomegranate Green Tea that I purchase and it has:

Green tea



Orange peel

Dried pomegranate.

All of these ingredients usually have a check mark next to their name health benefit wise so that works for me.

I hope you try this tea just because you love the flavor but it’s definitely worth keeping a packet or 2 close by for when a sore throat, coughs and sneezes come along.  

Tea in a glass cup, tissue box and thermometer

If you have a tea suggestion for me to try please leave a comment for me. Stay well.

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2 thoughts on “Pomegranate Green Tea-a tea lovers get well guide”

  1. Yvonne Pena

    It truly does get you through the day when you aren’t feeling yourself..Thank you Denise for this recommendation…

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