open suitcase with a towel, hairdryer, hair straightener, books, perfume and sunglasses in it

A practical guide for the inexperienced traveler

I always try and plan before any trip but especially a domestic airplane trip.  I’ve gotten clothing down to leggings, no pockets and easily removable boots, mostly to please TSA.  I still try to pull off something cute. Cue eye rolling teenager who’s opinion of cute may not be mine.  Anyway as time has passed I realized a newer traveler may not have been given any tips so here is a practical guide for the inexperienced airplane traveler. Let’s grab some tea and go over it.


Make sure your luggage, backpack, carry on is cleaned out before you pack for the trip.  No unexpected surprises need to stay in them that TSA (Transportation Security Administration) may need to keep. These are the hardworking people that check your luggage as they see you through security.

Clean out your purse or wallet.  Rule of thumb: if you do not need it do not take it.

Keep any meds in their original container even Zyrtec, Advil etc

6 perfume bottles

Liquid-Ladies we know you love to smell nice but check any perfume or get one under 3.4oz

Make-up-Leave it in your purse/carryon. Yes you can take it BUT remember the liquid rule.  Sometimes I just keep the basics in my purse and the rest of my makeup in checked luggage.

Checking in

Over 18?  You NEED an ID. Check with the airport if you do not have a driver’s licence, permit or passport etc.

My advice for anyone under 18, if you have it you may as well take it.

If you are checking luggage make sure it is not too heavy when you get to the airport.  Trust me it is no fun moving shoes and heavier items from one suitcase to another in the middle of an airport. Some airlines charge for luggage so you may want to check into that as you do not want too many bags.

Boarding passes can be obtained at the airport at the airline kiosks. You can also have them on your phone or printed out prior.

If you are checking luggage you can print your boarding passes and get luggage tags at the kiosk and join the line to get called over to a representative of the airline


As you approach TSA have your ID ready with your boarding pass.  TSA have to go through a lot of people so think ahead.

Starbucks cup, soda and water bottle on travel books

Sorry, no water bottles, soda or Starbucks can go through TSA so drink up and find the trash can.

Once past the verification of identity check point wait in line to enjoy taking off your belt, shoes, watches, Fitbits to put them in a tray to be screened.

Trays…Trays…Trays…oh and more Trays

Phones, iPads, laptops etc in a tray.

Purses and shoes in a tray.

Coats, jackets in a tray.

I have never seen anyone go through with just one tray as you can not overload them. But maybe you will be carrying less things.

TSA will tell you what they require to be taken out of carry ons and put in a tray but it’s good to be prepared. For example some airports like food to be taken out of carry ons but I have found most of them do not. Grandma’s holiday fudge has confused many TSA officers so you may want to ask about the holiday tin container.

Step up to be scanned

Now it’s your turn to go through the scanner when prompted.  There’s usually one you walk through that beeps if you have anything metal on but mostly airports seem to use the scanner. It’s an almost capsule looking thing with foot prints that you stand on and put your hands above your head like the image that is in there. It’s easy and fast unless…

If your scan looks weird they will pull you to the side and it could be a quick pat down. The scanner can be alerted for something as simple as your jeans being baggy once you’ve taken your belt off. and put your hands in the air. So ladies and gentlemen wear the right sized clothes.

On the other side


Now you may need $ for Starbucks and/or food after a possible TSA pat down has occurred but don’t forget boarding is ½ hour before the flight.

For your flight, layovers or delays you will need something to do

In the tech department you may want to bring a Phone, EarPods, DS, Block charger etc.

Non-tech: Books, magazines, word puzzles, adult coloring books.

Iphone, earpods, orange block charger, mindfulness coloring book and magazine


Time to put devices on airplane mode.

You should read the plane emergency procedure manual and pay attention to the flight attendants on that.

The airline may have an inflight magazine you might want to read.

You can always talk to your neighbor a little or the whole flight

or go back to the items you have brought with you.

Snacks and View

It always seems inevitable that dozing off occurs as beverages and snacks go by, just be prepared.

View of Puerto Rico from an airplane window

Important note. When there is a beautiful view that the pilot points out or you can see at take off or landing don’t be that person who chooses a window seat and pulls the blind down so the other passengers on your row miss out.

Direct flight-,Yay!

Connecting flight-just navigate the terminals, read the signs, monitors or ask.

Finally you’ve arrived after a successful trip.  Get your luggage from Baggage claim and off you go.


Lost Luggage

It’s not a big deal.  It can be a little frustrating if you are away from home.  Just go to the lost luggage counter and remember it will all work out.

No matter what-it’s an adventure. Take the time to have a couple of cups of tea and enjoy the journey. Just keep in mind any employee dealing with this many people have rough jobs so don’t forget it doesn’t hurt to be the person who is always nice.

Any other travel tips for novice travelers? I would love to hear them. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Purchasing items through these links is of no extra cost to you. If you are unable to see the links provided, please disable your ad-blocker.


1 thought on “A practical guide for the inexperienced traveler”

  1. The Brother

    If your luggage does go astray remember to ask for your luggage fees to be refunded. They did misplace them after all!

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