PG Tips black tea in a yellow flowered mug

My sacred ritual of making a great cup of black tea

Having tea is like a sacred ritual. I find that it is the most calming and relaxing thing to do.  I treat myself to a nice cup of black tea every day when I come home from work. People have their own rituals with how they make their tea.  This is the way I make mine.

I always make sure the kettle’s water is new. I use any excess old water to water plants etc.

My teapot holds about 35oz of water and I place 2 of my favorite tea bags in my teapot and wait for the water to boil. PG-Tips is my favorite tea so that’s the one I use.  It is a yummy, flavorful black tea. There are many other kinds of black tea so if your have your own insert your favorite here.

When the water has boiled I pour the water into the pot covering the tea bags and filling the pot ¾ full.  Then I put the lid on the pot and cover the pot with a tea cozy to keep it warm. A tea cozy is a cover designed to cover teapots. You can cover yours with a towel if you like or some people use nothing at all.

A cup of tea in a yellow flowered tea cup, teapot and cosy and a box of PG Tips tea bags

I wait about 4 minutes for the tea to brew. If I start to pour it and I do not like the color I either wait or move my pot around to mix it up a little. Some people may stir it with a spoon but really patience is key here so give it time to brew.

I grab a mug and pour the tea in.  Sometimes I use teacups but usually after work a full mug of tea is needed. I add some milk to make it my desired milky tea and there you have it. Tea my way.

There’s a debate on whether to use milk, honey or lemon with tea. Try them all. Some use sugar, some do not. Find the way you like it. You may find you like it a variety of ways.  

Milk in a small yellow milk jug. Honey and Honey Dipper in a glass bowl. 5 lemon slices on a yellow plate. Sugar in a glass bowl with a silver spoon.

There’s also a debate about the type of milk or even cream to use for tea.  Some people add milk before they add the tea in the cup and some people afterwards. I add mine afterwards as I like it very milky so it is easier to judge how much I need that way.

So finally, the moment I have been waiting for,  I finally sit down with my yellow flowered mug, close my eyes and drink my tea, peacefully and uninterrupted.

And then there is life.

‘Mum can you wash this?”

“I need posterboard for a project”

“Babe have you seen my glasses”

“Mum the dog threw up”

That’s when the kettle gets put on as the teens and friends ransack the pantry.  The chatter, the madness, the laughter, of my husband, kids, barking dogs and text’s from work.

I do the same sacred tea ritual as above. I pull out my yellow mug with flowers on it and add the tea and milk.

I sit down at the island in my kitchen with my tea and I know that there is never a dull moment in my crazy house.  I’m ok with that. As I sip my tea I am thankful.

I hope you enjoy your own madness and tea this week. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Purchasing items through these links is of no extra cost to you. If you are unable to see the links provided, please disable your ad-blocker.

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