Sunshine Blogger Award Sunflowers

I’m a Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee!!

Wow-I am super excited! I had something really cool happen this week. I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This is where peer bloggers nominate 11 new bloggers for positivity and creativity. Then they give these bloggers 11 questions to answer.  So fun! The quirky thing, I was nominated not once, not twice but 3 times! That was crazy but so awesome, people must love tea (who wouldn’t). Anyway here’s some things to find out about me, some new bloggers and of course tea.


Thank you to:

Leanne: In The Olive Groves Leanne and her family share their love of travel, food and a few other fun things along the way.

Eden:  Eden’s Garden Variety Eden shares her travels, crafts, recipes and other “tid bits”

Gary and Michelle: Love and our laptop lives The lovebirds share their travels, recipes and products they recommend.

Thank you all so much for nominating me! 

Click on their links and check them out. They have awesome sites.

The Questions they gave me

3 Bloggers-33 questions-I know you do not want to know THAT MUCH about me-so I kept it brief.

Leanne-In The Olive Groves

  1. What was the inspiration for you to start your blog? The very very beginning was my teenagers and friends to help give tips-how to’s. How to make a boiled egg etc. Secondly my love of tea.
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why? We travel a lot so I would continue our family travels. One place we have not been to yet and I would love to visit is Thailand.
  3. What is your favorite holiday and why? Halloween-it’s fun
  4. What is your favorite drink? also, do you prefer tea or coffee? TEA!
  5. What is the 1 book that has inspired you? Hard to choose just 1
  6. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach? Beach
  7. What season is your favorite and why? Autumn-changing leaves
  8. Are you a morning person or night owl? Night Owl
  9. If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?Tough-I’ll think on that.
  10. Do you prefer to read or watch TV? TV
  11. What do you do for exercise? Walk

Eden-Eden’s Garden Variety

  1. If you could describe what you want your blog to be in three words, what words would you use? Fun, entertaining, informative
  2. Where does the inspiration for your blog come from? My family and tea
  3. Do you have a job outside of your blog? Yes
  4. What type of posts are your favorite to write, and why? All different ones-there’s no particular favorite.
  5. What type of posts are your favorite to READ, and why? Positive posts
  6. What dreams do you have for you blog? To help people with some tips, pass on any info I get on my tea journey and to enjoy travel.
  7. If you could only choose three different things to take with you a trip other than clothes and essentials, what would you take? My husband and my 2 daughters
  8. What is at the top of your bucket list?-I don’t really have one-more of a seize the day
  9. What is your dream vacation? I have been on so many dream vacations-I’d like to keep doing those. Thailand is one I’m looking forward to.
  10. What is something you’ve learned about yourself through blogging? It has led me on a tea adventure and it’s a blast!
  11. What is the one thing you hope to pass on to your readers through your blog? A love of tea.

Gary and Michelle-Love And Our Laptop Lives

Why a blog? What were your reasons for starting a blog? I love to write and always have. I started the blog to show my teens and friends tips and how to’s, my discovery of new teas and enjoying travel,

What is one thing you want your readers to know about you? If I talk about something in my blog I have tried it and liked it. 

What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue? More travel and tea.

Do you prefer board games or video games? Board

What activity takes the most of your time? Work 

Do you work in addition to blogging, if so what is your job? Yes, Teach 

What new things have you learned by blogging? The almighty # (hashtag)

Give us three random thoughts about yourself?  I’m funny, goofy and loving

What is your favorite food? America? Italian? Chinese? Mexican? Or??? English food

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? Jumped off a ship and swam to hot springs in Greece

Where is your favorite place you have ever been? I have too many as we love to travel. Greece is high up there as our Honeymoon was in the Greek Islands.

That’s it on me folks.

Sunshine Blogger Award guidelines for nominees

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers and write them 11 questions.
  • List these rules and display the sunshine blogger award logo in your post.

Here are the bloggers I nominate.

This was hard and I have chosen more than just new bloggers as they are new to me. It was really hard to narrow down I have chosen creative or inspiring truly positive blogs-I stuck to 11 not 33.  Some I love have already been nominated.

Bud & Debbie Travelandtell

Jen Realitybakes

Kristina AmericanWifeBrazillianKitchen

Beckie Beckielivesandlearns

Ashley Sprinkledwithroses

Pam mountainsIclimb

Karen Betweenthedeerandthefreeway

Susan aninspiredwayoflife

Tammy cuisineexplorer

Julie Findinghopeinlife

Chelsea Jo Johnson family vacations


  • What made you want to start a blog?
  • What do you like most about blogging?
  • What do you like least about blogging?
  • Describe your blog in 3 words?
  • Coffee or tea? How do you take it?
  • Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Favorite flavor?
  • What’s your super hero name and what would your power be?
  • Who is someone you admire?
  • If you were to be stranded on a desert Island what 5 things would you like to take with you?
  • Favorite Travel Destination
  • What is your guilty pleasure? (TV show, food etc)

4 thoughts on “I’m a Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee!!”

  1. Thank you SO much for nominating me! It was unexpected and I’m grateful. I’ll be sharing my answers on my blog soon. Best to you, Pam

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